Distribution and Evaluation

With ethnē, your trainings and resources get to every disciple and accelerate to the next language


ethnē displays your content with a user's preferred text, audio or video Bible

ethnē distributes your content in areas with limited or expensive Internet. Offline it is shared to basic phones as well as with our App to App WiFi share


Media is shared in relationship via chat apps or Bluetooth

Your Content is for ethnē if it…

  • uses the Bible

  • is fruitful, transformational trainings and other resources made for Africa and Asia 

  • is audio, video, images and/or text files

Distribution Options

OptionDetailsCostWhat We Provide
Creative CommonsMedia released under creative commonsNo cost.
You use our template to submit your content for upload
- Effective engagement and distribution of your content.
- Reports on content use every 6 months
Last Mile DistributionFruitful content made for Africa and Asia Pay monthly what you can.
Use our template to submit your content for upload
- Effective engagement and distribution of your content.
- Reports on content use every month
Strategically IntegratedA dedicated relationship manager supports your ministry's strategic plan to use ethnē and make the most of itMonthly retainer per language with cost based on the plan we develop with you. - Effective engagement and distribution of your content.
- Real time in-app KPIs
- Custom oral preference feedback forms for users to share impact and feedback about your content
- Same day client support
Acceleration Work with ethnē to shape or translate your content for a deeper and wider reachA carefully scoped project, ideally 6 months or less, with a dedicated solutions engineering team to design and deploy a new technology feature that will bring next level breakthrough for your ministry- Consulting to structure your content for relational, digital sharing
- Crafting templates to rapidly go into new languages
- Adapting content and creating new assets
- An option for feedback, input and work from skilled indigenous leaders


No matter your size or your budget (even if it is $0) we have something to offer you. Here’s how:

1. Discover

Have a call to share your unique approach and needs. Then we will show you the possibilities ethnē can offer your ministry.

2. Build a Plan

You will get a straightforward and actionable plan that covers how we can work together to accomplish your goals.

3. Launch and Grow

Our software is custom fit for your ministry. Our services free up your people to do what they do best.